Nov 24, 2020
Admit it, I know you've taken a quiz online (probably over on Buzzfeed) that was a total time suck and delivered awful results.
Maybe you even quit in the middle of it due to boredom.
Writing a converting quiz is NOT as easy as it may look. (It took me a few weeks to write mine!!) There's a reason copywriters charge 5k...
Nov 17, 2020
You're not going to jail, but why does anything that have to do with the law seem so scary when you’re in business? Because we don’t want to screw things up, short ourselves on getting paid and end up doing work we never intended to do. For the independent contractor, this is why the contract that makes us so...
Nov 10, 2020
***Fair warning: there are a couple F bombs in this episode, only because this tax and lawyer guy has named all of his programs and products Unf*ck Your Biz.
The legal and tax stuff blocks a ton freelancers from offering their services to online business owners. This is not my zone of genius so I've invited...
Nov 3, 2020
Over the last 10 years in freelancing, I have found that writing in the clients' voice is one of the hardest things to do. It’s hard when it’s a new working relationship, you have to learn everything about them in a quick amount of time and capture their voice so that no one can tell it’s NOT them actually writing...