Sep 7, 2021
Grace Fortune is an online course strategist and copywriter who has had more jobs than she can count including an unfortunate gig handling toxic chemicals.
She’s joining us to share her four essential business processes just for freelancers.
I’ll admit being organized and having processes is not my strongpoint, yet is something every freelancer should have for things like onboarding or off-boarding clients and all things going on behind the scenes.
Her passion for processes stems from seeing countless business owners and other freelancers feel overwhelmed and lost because they feel like they're reinventing the wheel every time they take on a new project and are in feast or famine most when it comes to getting a steady pipeline of clients.
While working with Sandra Booker of Any Old Task servicing clients like Chanti Zak, Grace learned all about how to get rid of overwhelm and consistently sign on work by using these vital processes.
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Get on the waitlist for the Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School. (formerly known as the Digital Media Virtual Assistant Crash Course). This course teaches in-demand marketing strategies and implementation tactics so you can have the freedom to work from anywhere with profitable freelance skills.
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