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Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

Oct 25, 2022

Humans love stories. We are attracted to them for pure survival’s sake!


But storytelling is also crucial for our marketing content. Yes, stories have the ability to empower and change the world, but they also bring about brand awareness and sales.


That’s why storyteller Catherine Nikkel is here to help us...

Oct 18, 2022

What burns me? Those get-rich-quick Tiktok VA Coaches who sell the fact that new virtual assistants could be making $50-75/hr. They get them in the door selling them the dream and then don’t actually teach the hard implementation skills. And that high rate is not at all what someone new on the scene is making.

So back...

Oct 11, 2022

Have you heard the advice that it takes 2 things to grow a business: time and money? You have to have a combination of both as fuel to a business. You can use money to speed things up and save you time. 


Well as digital service freelancers, we kinda get out of the “have to have money” to start paradox. As virtual...

Oct 4, 2022

Only 30 months ago, she didn’t know tech. She didn’t know marketing. She wasn’t even “on” social media. She had never freelanced. And yet here Allison Riesgaard is now working full-time in a 7-figure business as the right-hand woman, content manager and team manager.

How’d she do it? What can you learn from...